"One need not be a chamber to be haunted/One need not be a house/The brain has corridors surpassing Material place." -- Emily Dickinson
I'm also a writer, and my photos have appeared in two of my own books--ONE KINGDOM: OUR LIVES WITH ANIMALS and ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE END: MYSTERIOUS DEATH IN FACT, FANCY, FOLKLORE, AND MORE--as well as in a children's picture book of poems by Avis Harley called AFRICAN ACROSTICS: A WORD IN EDGEWAYS. Photos from the books, if available, are identified individually in my Etsy shop. Please visit my website to learn more about these and other titles.
My images have appeared in the Griffin Museum of Photography, THE SUN: A MAGAZINE OF IDEAS, the Boston Art Council's ART WALK brochure and website, and the Somerville Windows Art Project. I'm also an editor and former zookeeper. I love to travel and photograph animals (including people) all over the world. I also have a slightly dark turn of mind and am drawn to the odd, spectral, and unusual. I think of my shop as a little cabinet of curiosities.

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